About Us

Rob Wotton, Webmaster



The SnoValley Jobs Board endeavor started in June 2021. As local employers had a growing need to find new hires, the SnoValley Chamber of Commerce and the nonprofit SnoValley Innovation Center led by local Umpqua Bank vice president Rob Wotton joined foces to answer one of the community's greatest need: for businesses to remain open. Thanks to these local do-gooders, they manage the job board with 120+ businesses participating, and hundreds of local job seekers access to 150+ jobs without cost.

Eric Watt

If you're an employer with a job post, you may receive a phone call or email from Eric. (In his real life he's a relationship banker at Umpqua Bank.)

Eric grew up on the Sammamish Plateau, and a couple years ago he returned from Spokane where he worked in the Umpqua Bank's call center. We're glad he's here at our North Bend branch where he loves helping customers with personal and business banking. 

Nothing brightens his day more than when customers bring their dogs into visit. And he also enjoys helping their human-types too.