Business Testimonials

"I really appreciated the new SnoValley Jobs board and recently hired a new manager position for my screen printing shop using it. Some of the larger and more commonly known platforms apply too large a filter and we weren't finding the local candidates we'd envisioned. But, within a week of posting on this job board, we found exactly what we were looking for!"
Michael Hughes
Managing Member, Dark Horse Printing, LLC - Preston

The SnoValley Job Board has been an excellent tool in allowing us to better connect with job seekers right here in our own community.
Samantha Pedersen
HR-New Hires, Snoqualmie Valley School District

Edison365 just made a great hire through!
February 22, 2022
Tad Haas
Executive Vice-President, edison 365
I hired a new employee at the beginning of the year through the jobs board that you manage. I appreciate that you take the time to make these connections. My new hire through the Sno Valley jobs board has turned out to be more than I could ask for. I had responses from other candidates from a wide range of skills sets, all local which is important to me. As I am building my business I know I can post on the SnoValley Jobs board to find new local employees easily.

March 7, 2022
Patrick Willse
Nelson Treehouse and Supply
Fall City