Fall City Tutoring, LLC

Fall City Tutoring has been serving the students of Snoqualmie Valley for 21 years. We provide one-on-one specialized instruction to K - 8th grade students. Currently, we are seeing students on-line, in homes, and at our Fall City Studio. We work closely with parents and teachers to create an individualized plan to meet each student's needs. With a growing request for services, we would like to add more teacher/tutors to our team. If you have a heart to help struggling students, a basic knowledge of elementary and middle school math, reading and writing skills, and are looking for a competitive wage and flexible hours, please give us a call. We'd love to talk with you about the possibilities!

Private Tutor - Independent Contractor


Flexible Scheduling

Some College Required

Job Updated 10/22/2023

Hiring Manager

Lori Herstrom

Phone 425-443-7470

Learn More About Us

