First Light Farm & Learning Center

Farms | Specialty Services


We are a small u-pick farm located in Carnation. If you're interested in learning the basics of growing healthy, sustainable vegetables, we are the place for you! We are seeking part-time workers (either during the week Tuesday-Fridays) or weekend help through the rest of the summer. We'd love to include you as part of our team!

Team Member

$17.30 Hour

We are looking for applicants who want to learn about sustainable agriculture. The position requires one to work outdoors throughout the summer. The applicant can work weekends or during the week (Tuesdays-Fridays) through the end of the summer. Tasks include: planting, bed preparation, mowing, weeding, and general physical labor. Needs to be comfortable with working outdoors in different kinds of weather. We are a friendly farm!

Benefits include:

Flexible Scheduling

First Light Team Members Get Fresh Vegetables for Home

Job Posted 6/10/2024

Hiring Manager

Jane Reis and Jeremy Houston

Phone: 206-719-8602


How to Apply

Please text us first (206-719-8602) with initial interest and then send an email ( with more information about yourself and availability.